the wedgie twin fin co-lab







Gary and I did the finish shaping on this “new – old” design.  The wedgie is a modernized version of the 70’s twin fins.  Certain elements are retained such as the 2:1 aspect ratio of the tail block width to swallow, the beaked nose and down rails.  Other elements of the board have been refined and modernized; rocker, foil, subtlety and transition of bottom contours and of course materials (Marko recycled EPS foam and Entropy Bio Resin).   We have some reclaimed redwood fins in progress that are a blend of classic keel and modern raked fins.  Since redwood is so soft, we started thin and did some preglassing on these to ensure their strength once glassed to the board.  Board dims at 5’8″ x 21.5″ x 36cuL.  Credit to Larry Mable of Kane Garden for inspiration on modernization of classic twin fins.

James of Sunset Shapers is going to glass this board since it will be an ECO BOARD (

Pics are taken during shaping.  Check back for a future post for finished project.

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